
At Body IQ we have Osteopathic practitioners who have completed extra training to fine tune their palpatory skills and understanding of cranial and sacral anatomy and neurology.

It is particularly useful for patients who dislike heavy manipulation or massage. It is a ‘light touch’ therapy used to work more gently with your body to help you find a better balance and a more sustainable way of moving which will still decrease your pain.

What does cranial treatment feel like?

Cranial osteopathic treatment is very relaxing and is quite subtle. Your Osteopath will place their hands under or around your head or under your sacrum. For some there may be feelings of warmth or tingling or it may feel like nothing much is happening at all during the treatment but are aware of changes when they go to get up from the table.

How is it different from craniosacral therapy?

Osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) is a specialised practice of Osteopathy; conducted by a government registered health professional who has gone above and beyond their 5 years of university training in additional coursework of substantial merit. A Osteopath who does OCF has the ability to diagnose and form a treatment plan based on strong anatomical knowledge and palpation.

In comparison to cranialsacral therapy that can be done by anyone who has done a craniosacral massage course.
