Neural Rehabilitation

A neurological approach to relink the brain to the body


The core principle underlying the effectiveness of NIS is that the brain governs the optimum function of all the body’s systems.

Cells, glands, organs, muscles, tendons are constantly sending messages to the brain, which monitors and responds by sending back ‘fine tuning instructions’ through the body’s ‘circuitry’ to help the whole body system to function correctly.

The brain is also home to our psychological state and responses, which in turn integrate with the whole brain / body / emotion functioning of our individual systems.Physical trauma, infections or emotional stress can interrupt or reduce the effectiveness of the brain/body ‘circuitry’, in turn showing as pain or dysfunction.

By evaluating the body’s effective functioning from a brain / body point of view, NIS is effective in determining the underlying contributing, causative factors of a wide range of symptoms.

What will your NIS treatment involve?

Essentially, NIS utilises a newly developed, unique approach called Neurological Integration System (NIS). The core diagnosis uses a prioritised set of ‘tests’ to check and evaluate the body’s ‘circuitry’ and the facets of body function they regulate. These tests are similar in some ways to the ‘muscle testing’ used in Kinesiology, and the principles underlying acupuncture and acupressure as used in Chinese medicine.

In simple terms, your NIS practitioner ‘tests’ the body’s muscle response to a systematic set of ‘prompts’ - the response indicates what part or parts of the body are not fully integrated with the brain. NIS may incorporate some additional testing and validation techniques. ‘Tapping’ is used to stimulate a particular sensory response to highlight a condition, and a simpleDNA ‘pin-prick’ sample is useful for checking the response of your system to your own DNA ‘baseline’.

What to wear for your NIS treatment
Your NIS treatment will involve light physical contact with face, neck, head and some other external body areas. Muscle testing involves minor resistance testing. You will remain in your street clothes for the entire treatment, and will only need to remove footwear and heavy outer garments.